] : John and Patricia Gallagher, ©2009 ISBN\ISSN: 0962150002, 9780962150005Genre: BiographyNotes: xiii, 155 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmResponsibility: No more secrets : a family speaks about depression, anxiety, and attempted suicideOpening thoughts --Prologue --John's story --Patricia's story --Robin's story --Katelyn's story --Ryan's story --Mom-Mom's story --Interview questions for the Gallagher family --Frequently asked questions about depression --Resources, organizations, self-help groups --The nicest thing anybody ever said or did for me --How I fill my "love tank" when I feel depressed or anxious --How I build myself up when I am feeling not good enough --What money can't buy --What to do when you are feeling sad, blue, anxious, down in the dumps and you don't want to get up in the morning --How family members can fill their love tank when a loved one is depressed or anxious --A team of angels to the rescue --Real dads, real men, real families campaign, real depression campaign. Marketscope 2.0 For Mac

] : John and Patricia Gallagher, ©2009 ISBN\ISSN: 0962150002, 9780962150005Genre: BiographyNotes: xiii, 155 pages : illustrations ; 22 cmResponsibility: No more secrets : a family speaks about depression, anxiety, and attempted suicideOpening thoughts --Prologue --John's story --Patricia's story --Robin's story --Katelyn's story --Ryan's story --Mom-Mom's story --Interview questions for the Gallagher family --Frequently asked questions about depression --Resources, organizations, self-help groups --The nicest thing anybody ever said or did for me --How I fill my "love tank" when I feel depressed or anxious --How I build myself up when I am feeling not good enough --What money can't buy --What to do when you are feeling sad, blue, anxious, down in the dumps and you don't want to get up in the morning --How family members can fill their love tank when a loved one is depressed or anxious --A team of angels to the rescue --Real dads, real men, real families campaign, real depression campaign. b0d43de27c Marketscope 2.0 For Mac

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